Thursday, October 1, 2009

Counter-terrorism team launches in Westchester NY

Taken from the North County News

WHITE PLAINS — Westchester County residents and visitors may notice some unusual police activity in the southern part of the county this evening, Sept. 29, as police for the first time deploy a highly visible Hercules Team as part of ongoing counterterrorism initiatives in Westchester.

The decision to use Hercules Teams in Westchester was not made in response to any specific terrorist threat. It is a new initiative of Counterterrorism Zone 3, which includes all police departments in Westchester, and has been planned for some time, according to Kieran O’Leary, spokesman for the Westchester County Department of Public Safety.

The chairman of Counter-terrorism Zone 3 is Chief Louis Alagno, of the Mount Pleasant Police Department.

Comprised of specially trained and heavily armed police officers, the Hercules Team will begin paying unannounced visits in the weeks and months ahead to a range of locations in Westchester from transportation hubs to busy shopping areas. The goal of the Hercules Team is to provide an additional, and unpredictable, layer of security to key locations in Westchester where people congregate.

A Hercules Team comprised of officers from the Mount Vernon Police Department, the Yonkers Police Department and the Westchester County Department of Public Safety will visit a number of different locations this evening.

“People should not be alarmed when they see the Hercules Team tonight or at any point in the future,” County Executive Andy Spano said. “These officers are being deployed as part of an overall strategy to deter those who would do us harm. It is one more way that law enforcement in Westchester is working to keep our communities safe.”

Good thing they are "Heavily Armed" to deal with the terrorist ground offensive that threatens our individual liberty so much...

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